Jay & Roshni's Wedding Reception
Reception Live Streaming @ The Renaissance at Kelham Hall, Newark

21 entries.
Maarten de Groot
wrote on 14/11/2024
5:45 pm
Sadly life ends but Sadiq leaves behind a great family which together with friends , relatives, patiences, other people will cherish the good memories of a great and warm personality. Stenght for the whole family and especially sara who was always beside him.
Adina and Zafar Sajjad
wrote on 14/11/2024
11:10 am
Uncle Sadiq was a warm and generous man who extended his kindness not only to those he knew but also to complete strangers! Only very special human beings do this…. May Allah grant him the Highest place in Jannah and give his beautiful family the sabr to bear his loss. Ameen
Daman Mullhi
wrote on 13/11/2024
7:38 pm
My thoughts are with you all at this really sad time. I remember your dad so well. Smiling, always happiest with you all around him. Sending love and prayers xxx
Nazia fouad
wrote on 12/11/2024
10:31 pm
Our beloved uncle who served humanity almost all his l8fe .May Allah grant him the highest rank in jannah and give sa re jameel to the family. Aameen summa aameen
Nazia fouad
wrote on 12/11/2024
10:29 pm
Niece and nephew..
Nazia fouad
wrote on 12/11/2024
10:29 pm
Niece and nephew..
wrote on 12/11/2024
9:34 pm
.We are very sad to hearing this new, we ask allah to meet him with his brother's and sisters in jaunat alfardose , on behalf my self and Hana' family
We extend our deepest condolences to the family of our uncle may allah give you strength and patience.
We extend our deepest condolences to the family of our uncle may allah give you strength and patience.
عائلة الطيب Al Tayeb Family
wrote on 12/11/2024
8:18 pm
It is difficult to find any words that can ease the pain of separation, especially for someone who has experienced the sorrow of losing a father. What makes this even more heartbreaking is that Uncle Sadiq, despite being far from everyone in Yemen, was the closest to all the families. He shared in their joys and spared no effort in helping every member of the family over the years.
I trust in Allah’s mercy and pray that He grants Uncle Sadiq paradise and peace. On behalf of myself and all members of the Al-Tayib family, I extend my deepest condolences to you all. I pray that Allah grants you the strength and patience to endure this trial and accept His decree.
I trust in Allah’s mercy and pray that He grants Uncle Sadiq paradise and peace. On behalf of myself and all members of the Al-Tayib family, I extend my deepest condolences to you all. I pray that Allah grants you the strength and patience to endure this trial and accept His decree.
wrote on 12/11/2024
3:57 pm
السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته.
That was a beautiful Janaza Salah. SubhanAllah!
Shaykh Tahir explained it well and did a Beautiful Dùa for Bhaisaheb.
May Allah(swt) Bless and Accept all our Dùas and Grant Bhaisaheb a Lofty place in Jannatul Firdaus without any reckoning. May He make the Questioning easy for Bhaisaheb, make his Grave a Garden of Jannah and fill it with Noor.
May He Grant Sister Sarah, Nadia, Farida and Feriyal with their families, Sabr Jameel and the Courage to bear Bhaisaheb's loss.
.اللهم امين يارب العالمين. ثم آمین يارب العالمين.
Our Thoughts and Dùas are with you all.
Our Heartfelt Condolences to all the Family.
That was a beautiful Janaza Salah. SubhanAllah!
Shaykh Tahir explained it well and did a Beautiful Dùa for Bhaisaheb.
May Allah(swt) Bless and Accept all our Dùas and Grant Bhaisaheb a Lofty place in Jannatul Firdaus without any reckoning. May He make the Questioning easy for Bhaisaheb, make his Grave a Garden of Jannah and fill it with Noor.
May He Grant Sister Sarah, Nadia, Farida and Feriyal with their families, Sabr Jameel and the Courage to bear Bhaisaheb's loss.
.اللهم امين يارب العالمين. ثم آمین يارب العالمين.
Our Thoughts and Dùas are with you all.
Our Heartfelt Condolences to all the Family.
Janet Barron
wrote on 12/11/2024
3:13 pm
God Bless Sadiq.
Such a lovely, warm man.
You will be very missed. You have left the earth a much better place for being here.
Lots and lots of Love Janet and family
Such a lovely, warm man.
You will be very missed. You have left the earth a much better place for being here.
Lots and lots of Love Janet and family
Farouk & Lamiis
wrote on 12/11/2024
2:16 pm
Rest in peace dear Sadiq. We were honoured to be able to join your Djanaaza prayer; with great sadness. May Allah keep you among His beloved and give strength and support to your nearest and dearest.
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:39 pm
So sad about the loss of Sadiq. We make duah for him. May Allah grant him Jannat ul Firdaus . Duahs for you all IA.
Patricia Williams
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:33 pm
Rest in peace Sadiq
Amal Khaled
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:29 pm
I’m so sorry for your loss, I have never met uncle Sadiq in person but from the many stories that my dad “Khaled” had told me about him, he was and still my role model and inspiration the way he pursued knowledge and helping others his entire life while being a devoted husband, father, friend. I’m sure that there are many people mentioning his name and praying for him may Allah grant him jannatualfirdous
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:29 pm
Asw. Our sincere condolences to aunty Sarah, Nadia, Feri, Farida and everyone. We are not therr physically and you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Uncle Sadiq was a unique person and will always be remembered for his kindness and unwavering support. Allah grant him Janna tul Firdaus Insha Allah. Take care everyone
Shazli Khan
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:14 pm
Uncle Sadiq was a uniquely special man. Unfailingly kind and generous. I will never forget the wonderful friendship shown to my parents and the support given to me. Auntie Sarah, Nadia, Farida, and Feri – you have lost someone very special but I hope your precious memories will help you fight light in the dark times. May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannat. Shazli
Familia Vico Ferrer
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:02 pm
Con profundo pesar, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero pésame a toda la familia. En estos momentos tan difíciles, nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con todos vosotros. Deseamos que encontreis consuelo en el amor y los recuerdos que siempre acompañarán el alma de vuestro querido marido, padre, abuelo y amigo.
Con cariño. Un gran abrazo para todos,
Familia VIco/Ferrer
Con cariño. Un gran abrazo para todos,
Familia VIco/Ferrer
Fatima Khaled
wrote on 12/11/2024
1:00 pm
Our condolences to you and your family. Uncle Sadiq will always be remembered.
Sh. Goolam Mohammud
wrote on 12/11/2024
12:55 pm
May Allah grant him jannatulfirdous.
Florence Domergue
wrote on 12/11/2024
12:41 pm
We are deeply touched by the loss of your husband and father and we must tell you how much our thoughts are with you at this difficult moment. You are once again going through a Time that reanimates so many painful memories. We are with you in thoughts and prayers. Florence et Pierre André Domergue