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Celebrating the life of Caroline Kai-Hian Chin

Funeral Live Streaming @ Ratcliffe College Chapel and Old Library, and Loughborough Crematorium

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40 entries.
Gin wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:45 am
Dear Derek, Your deep love for Carol over the years and especially in the last part of her life is what I will remember best. I treasure the times we could share a meal with Carol in UK this past year. May the love of friends far and near continue to support your grieving heart through this time of deep loss. Much love, Gin
Corey Joseph wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:42 am
In the continued love I hold for the family, my memories with Caroline will remain precious. There are few words I could say that would offer comfort for such a loss, but I am here for you – in this day of ceremony and in the quiet ones afterwards.
Grace&Ngoi wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:41 am
Our dearest Carol,you will always be in our hearts and minds. Deepest sympathies and much love to you Derek,Dan,Gabe &Becci.
I-Lin Dieu wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:41 am
Father God, thank you for Carol’s life and for all the years she had with all whom she loved. Thank you for your mercy and divine presence and for the assurance that she is in resting in your arms. We lift her family up to you too and ask that your peace and comfort be upon them. Amen
Benet wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:31 am
Deepest condolences
Lani Yap(Kim Lan) wrote on 13/08/2024 at 10:24 am
Miss you my dear dear friend. You are in a good place now. One with All. I know your spirit will always be with those you hold most dear.
Nicolette Tseng wrote on 13/08/2024 at 9:29 am
Dearest Derek, Daniel, Gabriel & Rebecca
Missing Carol terribly but our loss is heaven’s gain. Her final road home was hard but having you all by her side made that journey less terrifying. Carol was larger-than-life funny and will miss her tongue-in-cheek comments and her deep friendship.
We pray that her legacy of love for life, commitment to friends and a deep devotion to her family will remain in your hearts always and spur you onwards in her honour.
Love you Carol and you will always be remembered.
Linny wrote on 13/08/2024 at 9:19 am
Dearest Derek, Dan, Gabriel and Becci
Thinking of you
all and what life must be like without the engine room of your family that was C –
Caroline was the most amazing friend to me and such an indulgent aunt to our children-
I believed I would be able to listen to her stories of you all, her humour along with the intellectual rigour she brought to every situation until we were both very old ladies-
C said we won’t be making new memories – and you must feel that but the huge love she felt for you will always be there with you and your family. I’m so sorry that so much love accompanies such enormous loss. Will miss C more than I can say – all our love to you Derek, the boys and Becci.
Cheng Miang wrote on 13/08/2024 at 8:43 am
Derek, just to let you that we're with you at this most difficult time for you and the family. Take comfort that your beloved wife is at a better place now.
Do reach out to us anytime you need a listening ear. Please take care of yourself.
Serene and David Chan wrote on 13/08/2024 at 7:48 am
Dearest Derek, Daniel, Gabriel and Rebecca,
At this time of great loss and sadness, we hold you up in prayer that you will find solace in the fact that Carol has gone ahead to a better place where there is peace and no pain.
“ What though the radiance that was once so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.” – William Wordsworth.

With much love,
Serene and David Chan
Sharon Man wrote on 13/08/2024 at 7:46 am
My deepest condolences to Dr Chin and his family. Caroline’s love of all the wonderful things in life like cooking, arts, travelling, and her friendship and kindness to many will live on. May she rest in peace.
Sharon Man wrote on 13/08/2024 at 7:46 am
My deepest condolences to Dr Chin and his family. Caroline’s love of all the wonderful things in life like cooking, arts, travelling, and her friendship and kindness to many will live on. May she rest in peace.
Liz Phillips wrote on 13/08/2024 at 7:13 am
Thinking of you all at this sad time. Wonderful memories of Crouch End, the wedding and visits to Scotland. Take care of each other. Love always Liz
Shek Chee Seng wrote on 13/08/2024 at 7:04 am
Dear Derek,

As you bid a final farewell to your beloved wife, know that you have friends who share in your grief and will always be there for you….Regards, Chee Seng
Jaspal and Shanti Sidhu wrote on 13/08/2024 at 6:56 am
Its hard to understand why these things happen. We pray but we still dont know why. But I know this, everything is temporary. We will all meet our maker one day. And we will be reunited with those who left early. My deepest condolences. We are here if you need a shoulder. Take care.
Michelle Wee wrote on 13/08/2024 at 6:40 am
Dear Uncle Derek, Gabriel, and Daniel

I am sorry for your loss of Aunty Carol. She was a kind woman who always treated me with such love and affection. I cherish the memories of our afternoon teas, the musicals we enjoyed together, and, most importantly, the heartfelt conversations and time we shared together. Her kindness and warmth, especially when I felt lonely in London, left a lasting impression on me.

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the memories you created together and strength in each other.

Gabriel wrote on 13/08/2024 at 2:15 am
Dear Derek and family

May your memories of Caroline's love and presence bring you comfort and strength; and may you find solace in the knowledge that she is now in heaven, watching over you with love and grace

Deepest condolences
Teo Jin lee wrote on 12/08/2024 at 11:09 pm
Dearest Derek and family
My deepest condolences. May she Rest in Peace in the arms of our Lord. I will miss Carol, her bubbly personality fills a room and you can’t but be drawn into her energy and positivity. She will be missed. I have lost a dear friend. We used to call her Big Bird not just because she towered over the rest of us but also how she was always kind and considerate of others.
Pls take care Derek, Daniel, Gabriel and Becci.
Praying for all the family in this difficult time. Carol may be gone but she will not be forgotten. God Bless!
Esther Udeh wrote on 12/08/2024 at 5:26 pm
I am deeply sorry for the profound loss of your mother, wife and so much more.
I hope as she is laid to rest that your family can feel the love and support that is being sent and communicated.
Your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
With caring thoughts,
Diana Koh wrote on 09/08/2024 at 8:48 am
I can still hear your laughter Carol, your zest for all things. May your laughter and enthusiasm continue to fill the heavens and shower down on Derek and your sons to fill their void.
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